.ee is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Estonia, introduced in 1992. Managed by the Estonian Internet Foundation, it is widely used by Estonian entities and supports both DNSSEC and IDNs.
.ee is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Estonia. Managed by the Estonian Internet Foundation, it was introduced in 1992 and has become a popular choice for Estonian businesses, organizations, and individuals. The .ee domain is unrestricted, allowing anyone with a connection to Estonia to register. It supports DNSSEC for enhanced security and offers internationalized domain names (IDNs), which permit the use of non-ASCII characters. The domain is widely used within Estonia and reflects the country's digital identity on the global stage.
Eesti Interneti Sihtasutus
Eesti Interneti Sihtasutus
Intended for entities connected with Estonia
Primarily for entities with a connection to Estonia
1 to 10 years
Domains must be renewed before expiration to maintain ownership
Transfers require authorization codes and may involve a fee
Varies by registrar
Follows the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP)
1. Minimum length of 2 characters. 2. Must contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens.
Approximately 130,000 registered domains as of recent statistics
Estonian businesses, organizations, and individuals