Country Code Top-Level Domains

.by domain information

.by is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Belarus, introduced in 1994 and managed by Open Contact Ltd. It is intended for Belarusian entities and supports DNSSEC and IDNs.

.by domain name Introduction

.by is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Belarus. Introduced in 1994, it is managed by Open Contact Ltd. and sponsored by Reliable Software, Ltd. The domain is widely used by Belarusian entities, including businesses, organizations, and individuals. It supports DNSSEC and offers privacy protection services. The registration period can range from 1 to 10 years, with annual renewals required. The domain also supports internationalized domain names (IDNs), allowing for non-ASCII characters. As of 2024, there are over 130,000 registered .by domains.

.by domain name Target market

Belarusian entities and individuals

.by domain name Restrictions


.by domain name Operator/Registry

Open Contact Ltd.

.by domain name Introduction date


Reliable Software, Ltd.

.by domain name Intended use

Entities connected with Belarus

.by domain name Geographic restrictions

Primarily intended for entities within Belarus

.by domain name Registration period

1 to 10 years

.by domain name Renewal policy

Annual renewal required; grace period available

.by domain name Transfer policy

Transfers allowed with authorization code and compliance with registry policies

.by domain name DNSSEC Support


.by domain name Privacy protection


.by domain name Pricing

Varies by registrar

.by domain name Dispute resolution policy

Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP)

.by domain name Registration rules

1. Minimum length of 1 character, maximum length of 63 characters. 2. Can include letters, numbers, and hyphens.

.by domain name IDN Support


.by domain name Usage statistics

As of 2024, there are over 130,000 registered .by domains.

.by domain name Typical users

Businesses, organizations, and individuals in Belarus

.by domain name Registry website

.by domain name Registry url