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  • Country Code Top-Level Domains

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Meant for Argentinian locals and the Augmented Reality (AR) sector For second-level domain registration, an Argentine contact address is needed, but foreigners can register. Certain third-level domains have restrictions Network Information Center Argentina(NIC Argentina) The registry prices .ar domains at $25,500; .com.ar and .net.ar are priced at $8,500. Yes Yes View


Reserved for governments of the Antarctic Treaty signatories and groups active in or promoting Antarctica and its surrounding oceans Only for governments that signed the Antarctic Treaty and entities with activities in Antarctica Antarctica Network Information Centre Limited Free No No View


Bosnia and Herzegovina None University Teleinformation Center (UTIC), University of Sarajevo Varies by registrar Yes No View


Primarily for Armenians and businesses, also popular among broadcasters and audio services None Armenia Network Information Centre(AM NIC) Prices vary depending on the registrar, but generally range from 8000 to 12000 AMD. Yes No View


Targeting the Albanian domestic market and those interested in business dealings with Albania Second-level domains are unrestricted, while some third-level domains require local specific entities to register Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (AKEP) None No No View


riginally Anguilla's country code domain, it's now mainly for artificial intelligence businesses and tech None WHOIS.ai From April 15, 2023, the price for .ai domains including .com.ai, .net.ai, .off.ai, and .org.ai will be set at $140. No No View


Primarily aimed at entities in Antigua and Barbuda, German stock corporations, and websites related to agriculture Second-level domains have no restrictions, but some third-level domains are reserved for local organizations NIC AG Non-Antiguan entities pay $150 for a .ag second-level domain and $100 for a third-level domain. Antiguan entities pay $75 for a second-level and $50 for a third-level domain. Domains ending in .org.ag, .edu.ag, and .gov.ag are free. Yes No View


Mainly targeted at individuals, businesses, or organizations within Afghanistan Second-level domains are unrestricted, while some third-level domains require local specific entities to register Afghanistan Network Information Center(AFGNIC) Prices vary by registrar; the nic.af website lists them at $25 Yes No View


Primarily aimed at individuals, businesses, and organizations in the United Arab Emirates Second-level domains are unrestricted, while registration for some third-level domains requires being a specific local entity .aeDA .ae domain pricing ranges from $30 to $200, depending on the registrar No No View


Mainly aimed at individuals, businesses, and organizations within the Principality of Andorra Only Andorran trademarks holders, citizens, residents, or companies are eligible to register Andorra Telecom None Yes No View


Originally for Ascension Island (UK) entities, now used globally by educational and academic groups None Ascension Island Network Information Centre Prices vary by registrar;NIC.AC prices at $99 Yes Yes View


Barbados None Government of Barbados Varies by registrar Yes No View


Bangladesh None Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Varies by registrar Yes No View


Belgium None DNS Belgium Varies by registrar Yes Yes View


Burkina Faso None ARCEP Burkina Faso Varies by registrar No No View


Bulgaria None Varies by registrar Yes Yes View


Bahrain and entities associated with Bahrain. None Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of Bahrain Varies by registrar Yes No View


Burundi and general use None Centre National de l'Informatique (National Center of Computing) Varies by registrar No No View


Primarily for entities connected with Benin. None Benin Telecoms Varies by registrar Yes No View


Bermuda None Bermuda Government Varies by registrar No No View